Rose quartz – amethyst – clear quartz This basic, well balanced composition was used to inspirit water for hundreds of years. Experts claim that amethyst...
Amethyst – chalcedony – petrified wood – rose quartz – ocean chalcedony Traditional Chinese medicine has developed over 5,000 years and recognizes health as a...
sodalite - chalcedony - clear quartz Sodalite is used by crystal healing experts to support mental balance, calmness and inner peace. It's said to support...
Emerald – clear quartz St Hildegard declared nearly 1000 years ago “All the green of nature is concentrated within the Emerald.” The lush crystal has...
Lapis lazuli – rutilated quartz Change the world with your creativity and break fresh ground! Get inspired by enjoying a glass of gemwater from this...
rainbow moonstone (white labradorite) - clear quartz As the name suggests, Luna is strongly connected to the energy of the moon, making it first and...
red jasper – magnesite – clear quartz Along with exercise and a balanced diet, nothing supports an active lifestyle better than enough fresh water. Drinking...
Peridot – lapis lazuli – rock crystal LOVE WHAT YOU DRINK. This exclusive gemstone wand and carafe set is perfect for revitalizing your water in style...
AMETHYST • AQUAMARINE • CLEAR QUARTZ This crystal blend complements the spiritual FLOWER OF LIFE Crystal Water Decanter with the engraved emblem of the FLOWER OF LIFE. VITALITY | MENTAL...
AMETHYST | AQUAMARINE | CLEAR QUARTZ This special edition set includes an Era Decanter with an elaborate Flower of Life etching and a FLOWER of life hand-blown...
Amethyst - Chalcedony - Petriefied Wood - Rose Quartz - Ocean Jasper This is your one-stop solution for your gemwater needs. This great bundle comes with a Era...
Lapis Lazuli - Rutilated Quartz This is your one-stop solution for your gemwater needs. This great bundle comes with a Era Decanter and a INSPIRATION...